
2019年7月1日—Method1:MinimalistYouTube(HideRelatedVideos).Settingupa...YouTubeappcompletely.Otherwise,mostmobilephoneshavebuilt-in ...,MinimalYoutube.BarebonesYoutubeclientallowinguserstowatchvideosdistraction-free.BuiltinReact. ...,2022年10月17日—MinimalYouTubeisanextensionthatreplacestheYouTubeUIwithaminimaldesigncontainingnorecommendations,s...

3 Unorthodox Techniques for a Minimalist Distraction

2019年7月1日 — Method 1: Minimalist YouTube (Hide Related Videos). Setting up a ... YouTube app completely. Otherwise, most mobile phones have built-in ...


Minimal Youtube. Barebones Youtube client allowing users to watch videos distraction-free. Built in React. About. Distraction-free ...

Minimal YouTube

2022年10月17日 — Minimal YouTube is an extension that replaces the YouTube UI with a minimal design containing no recommendations, shorts, or distractions.

Minimal YouTube

An extension for that replaces the YouTube UI with a minimal design containing no recommendations, shorts, or distractions.

Minimalist Youtube app

2024年2月1日 — Minimalist Youtube app. I will keep it short. Yall know distractionless Instagram apk, right? Absolutely amazing. Erradicated my time-wasting ( ...

What are some good minimalist android browsers and ...

2022年7月10日 — What are some good minimalist android browsers and YouTube apps? ... minimalist YouTube apps (an app which doesn't recommend any videos to you).

Where can I find a minimalist YouTube app? By that I don't ...

2020年5月26日 — Bro If you don't like them then you should click on the three dots located on any corner of the recommendation or suggestion and click on ...